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Regular commercial air conditioning maintenance is one of the main ways you can guarantee your system will remain functioning at the peak of its powers for the long-term. Keeping up regular maintenance will keep your workplace nice and cool, save you money over time, and ensure that you are following all of your necessary legal responsibilities as a facility manager.  

At Air-rite Solutions, we help businesses maintain their commercial air-conditioning so they can avoid the costly consequences of a malfunctioning or broken-down system. To avoid these consequences yourself, be sure to always follow a HVAC maintenance plan to keep everything on track.  

Here are 4 reasons you need regular commercial air-conditioning maintenance.  

1. It Avoids Unnecessary Breakdowns  

So many HVAC breakdowns could be avoided if the business or building manager had organised regular commercial air-conditioning maintenance. Breakdowns happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes the system is being overused and cannot handle the higher demands of the warmer months. But more often than not, the system has not been inspected for a long period of time and various parts and components have grown old, worn, and damaged as a result.  

When this latter scenario happens, your commercial HVAC system is spiralling towards a costly breakdown that will set back your entire business. Repairs will almost always cost more than a standard maintenance check, and the latter will go a long way towards making sure the former doesn’t happen in the first place.  

2. It Keeps Your System Running Efficiently  

Even if your commercial HVAC system doesn’t break down, it won’t be running at peak efficiency if you haven’t organised regular maintenance checks. A commercial air-conditioning service check will look at all the different parts and components of a system, and replace any that are dragging down the production of that system.  

When your system is running with old and faulty parts, it will cause the rest of the machinery to overcompensate and use up more energy than necessary. HVAC systems already eat up a large portion of a business’ annual power bill, but you can take steps to improve this figure if you get a professional in to check up on the system a few times each year.  

3. You Will be Fulfilling Your Legal Responsibilities  

If you are a business owner or building/facility manager, you have a legal responsibility to organise regular maintenance checks for your commercial air-conditioning system. This is because you have an obligation to keep the wellbeing of all occupants at the forefront of your operations at all times. And this includes keeping them in a space that is well-supplied with cool, clean, and comfortable air. 

Make sure you get your system regularly maintained, and you won’t run into any troubles.  

Regular Maintenance For Commercial Air Conditioning

4. It Improves the Productivity of Workers  

Nobody enjoys working in a space that is hot, stuffy, and uncomfortable. This is especially true for Brisbane – where its subtropical climate can easily get in the way of worker’s productivity if not properly managed.  

Whether you work in a factory, restaurant, shop, or office, you need thermal comfort to help you get the job done. Organising regular maintenance checks will reduce the chances of your HVAC system breaking down – ensuring that all of your workers will be operating in a comfortable environment where their productivity won’t be hindered.  

Get in Touch 

Air-rite Solutions provides a full range of commercial air-conditioning services in Brisbane and South East Queensland. If you need our experienced team to conduct a maintenance check on your system, then reach out to us today on 07 3274 2199.